January 30, 2009

Turning Point(s)

Last night when we were getting ready for bed and I was doing my new favorite ab routine, Sally and I talked about turning points. I was asking her when she thought my turning point was. When was that specific moment when I finally felt that my goals were possible and actually believed it!? It's far easier to say things like "I can't do it" or "I'm not good at doing that" or "my body doesn't like that" or "maybe I'm just destined to be big" or "I'm big boned'd" or any other phrases we tell ourselves. What makes this so hard for people (as I'm finding out first hand) is that you believe yourself a lot more than you believe anyone else.

[begin side-track] The best way to explain this is how I came to understand Advice giving and taking. Ever notice how when you get "good" advice it's usually what you wanted to hear? And when you get "bad" advice it's usually what you don't want to hear? I'm not saying this is the only way to understand or interpret advice but it definitely makes sense. Some advice, the tough advice is also "good" advice but you don’t know it until hindsight kicks in. Moving on…[end side-track]

What I'm trying to find out is when did I stop believing all the excuses I was making? When did I finally start to think, "hey, this can happen for me"? The inner dialog shifted and my quest now is to find that point. My guess is, is that it's less of a single solitary point but a series of smaller points. I thought about this as I was finishing up my workout and hadn't come up with anything solid enough to say was it so I went to bed.

I woke today thinking more about it. As I write this I'm still unsure what it was but one of the most noticeable changes I've made is I stopped telling myself I can't and started believing that I could. I know, I know…I said this to Sally and she said "wow Tony Robbins". I'm reminded of how annoyed I used to get by "motivational" quotes and speakers and this and that and blech! When you feel like you can't do it you believe it, it's what you know and it's how it will be. Changing my train of thought into a motivational tone (for myself) has been the turning point(s). My goal is to keep the motivational speaker in my mind going and eventually figure out when the change happened for me. I will inevitably share with you what I find, because that's what I do!

The trick to all this is to change the advice you give yourself, you are going to believe and want whatever it is you tell youself so if it's for the better then you are on your way to seeing your own low number and achieving whatever goal you set for yourself! I believe that now and that's the biggest change in me!!

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