February 3, 2009

Worldwide Support Group

Why Blog? I've been talking a lot about support from friends and family but as I'm reaching out and checking for new inspirations all over the internet I'm finding more and more people that are blogging about the same thing and I've started linking to my favorites.

I stumbled upon a guy named Andrew from New Zealand (check out his blog). He has already lost 113 pounds and has really changed his life! The other day I was thinking how funny it was for the past 4 or 5 years how I always talked about running when I "used" to do it "a lot". I did have my running phase back in 2000 and I probably lost some weight but I was better at being a bachelor and gained it all back and more. As I was making the final turn onto Greenwood off of 82nd the other night (a rare clear night) I got inspired. I was thinking about all the new inspirational blogs I've been reading and some of the running tips I had read about and it all made sense. I'm a runner again.

The other night we had Amy (Sally's best friend) over for dinner and she has started training to do a half-marathon. I realized the only thing preventing me from joining her is me.

So…why blog? To find inspiration! With the internet connecting people globally I am creating a virtual support group! Amazing blogs from people on all continents! I was on Andrew's blog and he had this video posted about another blogger.

Dietgirl…an Aussie living in Scotland, lost half her weight (175 lbs!) and has written a book about her experience:) Enjoy!

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  1. Thanks for the shoutout. ;)

    Do the half marathon! I"m obviously biased but hm's are brilliant.

  2. Of course!!

    I'm going for it...it's time to stop talking about it!

  3. Thank you very much for the mention! :)

  4. Well deserved...congrats on all the success:)


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