May 19, 2009

100 Push-Ups : Update

I finished my first week (actually week 3 of the program) and I was surprised at how difficult it really is. The biggest difference of doing this program versus doing the same amount of push-ups on my own time is the time between sets. The first day you are only allowed 60 seconds between each set. How does that feel? It feels like you are doing one long, continuous set. Capping off each day is a max set which always really sucks!!! My chest and arms feel like they are ripping and shredding which makes me want to quit. I persist and then am forced into a stale mate with gravity.

Beginning of week 4. I started week 4 last night with a renewed vengeance. I looked forward at the upcoming weeks and the daily workouts... and it scared me! The number of sets jumps from 4 sets of 20+ to upwards of 8 sets of 40 and 50 push-ups! I know I will do it though, I'm just a little scared right now;)

The website also offers two other programs (all free by the way)... 200 sit-ups and 200 squats (holy hell). Last night I decided to do the 200 sit-ups challenge too. I did my exhaustion test last night and will start up tonight fitting it nicely as an every other day thing with my push-ups. Wow.

Keep checking back for progress reports and whining about how hard it is!!!

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