May 14, 2009

Just an Ordinary Guy

This morning I was listening to the Blue Scholars. They are a local rap group consisting of two guys and usually I just listen to the songs and then move on to whatever comes up on random. Today I actually listened to the lyrics (not the norm for me!) and I was surprised at the simplicity of the lines and how they concisely convey everything I’ve blabbed on about for the past 5 months. There is a lot more to the song but this stood out to me, kind of like when you hear your name at a party even if it’s loud and you are on the other side of the room! Check out the lyrics…

And people keep asking how I lost this weight
More work and less food on the plate, man
Just a simple plan with a little bit of self discipline

I'm just an ordinary guy, ignoring all the hype
I let it all pass me by

When I’m asked about my weight loss I often stumble at the simplicity of it all. Like he says, “more work (read: get off your ass) and less food on the plate, just a simple plan with a little bit of self discipline”. That’s it, that’s exactly how it happened for me. Some of the lines were left out but when I heard how the chorus started it all just fell together. So here is how I will answer from now on, (minus the whole rapping and rhyming thing).

“Wow man, you’ve lost some weight, how’d you do it?!” so and so asks.
And I’ll say, “I ate less, I worked out and moved more along with a little discipline and will power. I knew it would have to be a lifestyle change not a quick fix. Not anything fun to hear but that’s how it happened.”


  1. Hi Jeff,

    It’s funny when people ask me how I lost 50 lbs, my answer is simple: what you put in minus what you burn…simple math for even me. Think when you eat, it’s like a savings account; the more you put in the more you store, the less you put in the less you store. So when I see Bucatini all'Amatriciana on the menu, is it worth not ordering the salad and appetizer? I also tell people to shop in the perimeter of the supermarket, and avoid ALL processed foods. I believe if it doesn’t grow from the ground, don’t eat it. I think in the long run, it’s healthy too…your body recognizes what you’re putting into it and can process it better. Weight loss is so simple, it’s unbelievable how complicated some make it out to be (that’s only if you don’t have endocrine issues, because that can really complicate things).

    BTW great song!


  2. that I've seen the recipe for Bucatini all'Amatriciana I get what you're saying:)


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