April 1, 2009

BMI : My Journey to Normalcy

34.1 was my Body Mass Index at my highest point. This gave me a baseline to work from…even though I've read so much about how it isn't the most accurate I kept it filed away. I checked back on it midway through my loss and was still discouraged by how slow it seemed to be dropping. A score over 30 is considered Obese. An example I just read about why it is flawed is to think of Arnold Schwarzenegger. During his prime lifting days when he was Mr. Universe he weighed 235 pounds and is just over 6' tall. This put his BMI over 35 which made him "obese". Clearly that cannot be correct, look at him.

Regardless, it has served me a good base to check against since my goal thusfar has been strictly weight/fat loss. I'm not getting any taller (and hopefully not any shorter!) so my BMI should change in a fairly linear and somewhat accurate way.

I have been weighing in under 215 most of this week and hit 213 yesterday so my new BMI is now 25.9! According to the Index, I'm still "Overweight" which, judging by my shrinking but still prevelant spare tire, I reluctantly concede that this a fair and accurate assessment. However, once I eclipse my goal of 210 and land on 204 I can finally call myself "Normal". <-- insert joke here!

Was turned on to a wonderful site that I didn't even know existed. Thank you Emilie! You have to check out http://www.livestrong.com/. Lots of great information on there!


  1. Hey, no problem - I'm totally addicted to that website now... :) If ya signed up, add me as a friend! (emstarkey1)

  2. I love this site! I didn't realize dried cherries were so high in calories! Thanks to the site, now I do. Great resource for anyone trying to maintain or lose weight, thank you.


  3. I love the photo of Arnold:)

  4. BMI eh...started at 40.6 myself. Down to somewhere in the 25s too. :)

  5. WOW, Andrew...amazing! Fun to look at it from every angle, huh?!


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