April 15, 2009

Seeing 210 by EOM

I'm in high gear now as I try to hit the 210 mark sometime during this month! The end of the month is looming and visions of attaining this goal are shining like the light at the end of a very long tunnel. At night, I've been back to my push-ups... last night I knocked out 100 push-ups in 4 sets. I could've done more but I was exhausted from staying up too late watching a movie.

I've been working some overtime as well as getting stuff ready for baby. Yesterday I assembled the crib and put a coat of primer on the changing table. Tonight I will apply the first coat of paint but am dedicated to going for a jog. It's been harder and harder to get out on the road (read: I've made every excuse possible!) but I must make time! Remember, I'm committed to this goal!

Sally is helping out tremendously. She continues to wake early with me and makes me the most beautiful bowl of oatmeal complete with raisins, cinnamon, a little brown sugar topped with a large dollop of yogurt... oh, it's so good! What a great way to start the day!

There are so many things going on in the families right now. Babies on the way, houses and practices selling, today is TAX DAY, birthdays... you name it and it's probably happening this month! I am still floating between 213 and 215 but I know with my determination I can get it to 210...even if just for a moment, I need to see it, this is the month it'll happen. I'll work on keeping it 210 later (and lower for sure) but for now, it's Seeing 210 (by the End of the Month).


  1. Hi Jeff, I don't know why the last three to five pounds are the most difficult. I have struggled with that myself. After following your blog, I am bound and determined to lose the last few by the end of the month.

    After reading your last post, I've increased my cardio to levels I thought I could never achieve and have seen results! Great post!


  2. Awesome! Good luck Wendy and perfect timing for the nice weather (hopefully) coming up!!! So excited for this summer;)

  3. You are going to have to rename your blog soon!

  4. Funny that Parker was born after you wrote about babies on the way this day!!

  5. I keep thinking about a new name. I think I'm going to have to choose something else for sure!

    Wendy, you are so right...I'm going to try something else, mess with the numbers and take a new angle. I think. Maybe it sounds cooler to say it like that but I'm going through another goal changing time:) Bear with me!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sorry, the last comment had a typo...

    I have lost the weight and kept it off for about five years now. I swear those 5 lbs are continually a problem. If I stray from my eating habits or slack on working out, it's there in a matter of weeks. As I have gotten older, I have noticed that it's much more difficult to lose once it’s there.

    Great post on the charities you will be running for. I would love to do the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s marathon one day!
    I think there’s one in September (Bellingham)? Wendy


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