Every few months or so I start up a new Fatbet with family or friends. It has kept me in check and has provided me with some healthy competition for this whole weight loss gig.
What the heck is Fatbet? Fatbet.net was started by a few guys back in 2007 when they realized that their upcoming Hawaii vacation was looming and a conversation (bash fest) started about who was fatter and who could lose more weight by the time they left. After a very early version of the newer, polished website they realized that losing some weight could be a fun and competitive sport. Fatbet was born! For their whole story, check this page out.
Basically you get a group of people together interested in losing some pudge. You set a wager or a penalty to make it competitive then everyone sets their goals. Your actual weight is never shown but the amount you want to lose is shown. There is also a message board where you can write in taunts and/or encouragement to each other. I have found that there is some taunting but it always ends up on the encouraging side because as you lose you want others around you to succeed as well!
With that, I'm writing today to invite anyone who would like to lose a few pounds to join in on our newest Fatbet!! It started today and will run through August 31st. A penalty or wager has not been set yet, though...that is still up for debate.
Check it out at Fatbet.net and if you decide you'd like to join us (which I really hope you will!) then click on this link: http://www.fatbet.net/joinbetreg.aspx?JoinBetId=2953&Digest=4BPVANrZzwI7m4aozBGDlQ
Hope to see you on there...or, at least hear about yours:)
What the heck is Fatbet? Fatbet.net was started by a few guys back in 2007 when they realized that their upcoming Hawaii vacation was looming and a conversation (bash fest) started about who was fatter and who could lose more weight by the time they left. After a very early version of the newer, polished website they realized that losing some weight could be a fun and competitive sport. Fatbet was born! For their whole story, check this page out.
Basically you get a group of people together interested in losing some pudge. You set a wager or a penalty to make it competitive then everyone sets their goals. Your actual weight is never shown but the amount you want to lose is shown. There is also a message board where you can write in taunts and/or encouragement to each other. I have found that there is some taunting but it always ends up on the encouraging side because as you lose you want others around you to succeed as well!
With that, I'm writing today to invite anyone who would like to lose a few pounds to join in on our newest Fatbet!! It started today and will run through August 31st. A penalty or wager has not been set yet, though...that is still up for debate.
Check it out at Fatbet.net and if you decide you'd like to join us (which I really hope you will!) then click on this link: http://www.fatbet.net/joinbetreg.aspx?JoinBetId=2953&Digest=4BPVANrZzwI7m4aozBGDlQ
Hope to see you on there...or, at least hear about yours:)
I'm in!