June 5, 2009

National Doughnut Day?

Yes, it really exists. It was created by The Salvation Army back in 1917 as a way to boost morale of soldiers fighting in WWI. It takes place on the 1st Friday of every June.

Did I celebrate? Yes.
Was it because I need a boost in morale (and sugar)? No.

Without bringing my political views into my blog (which may be a little unavoidable) I have to explain my thoughts on eating doughnuts. I would have to say it reminds me of the saying "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." But people wouldn't kill people with guns if there weren't guns around. (told you, couldn't be avoided).

Anyways, it reminds me of it because doughnuts alone will not make me a fat ass again. Eating 5 doughnuts in a day every week will, though. True story, I used to work for my dad and this saleslady brought in two boxes of doughnuts every Tuesday (or Wednesday?) and since my job was "cleanup kid" I could roam the shop and not worry about getting in trouble. I would "clean" the lunchroom on that day every week. I honestly used to scarf down or "cleanup" about 3 - 5 of those fried delights...glazed ones, powdery goo filled ones, fritters, maple bars, etc, etc...

Today I had just one. I feel like hell now but it reminded me of the time when I stomached triple the amount and probably mixed it with a Mountain Dew. What I'm trying to say is that over time I've changed and I don't "need" the doughnut fix. I realized it back then and went cold turkey and didn't eat a doughnut for over 6 years...I broke when Krispy Kremes were introduced to Seattle. And since, I've only had them here and there.

I changed my mind about how to deal with food and have found a very satisfying balance. I never deprive myself, ever. I can do the cold turkey route but if I like something then I should be able to have a taste every once-in-a-while, right? Well, that's how I see it. I spent the better part of my journey getting my eating habits in check. I've discovered how I work and I've enjoyed life along the way.

Instead of a big bowl of ice cream...I enjoy a few scoops in a cup.
Instead of 5 doughnuts...I have just one
Instead of a bag of chips (full-size)...I dump a portion into a bowl and then stop. (sometimes I stop, chips are my kryptonite)
Instead of many cheap, weak beers...I go for a few nice beers.

Calories are important...they are one of the most important parts of the whole calculation of weight loss. We know that. But, I'd argue with anyone that deprivation will be the downfall of your weight loss goals! When you finally break, the guilt that comes with that is so big that it will throw you into such a funk that "you might as well just keep eating whatever you want because you've already failed yourself!" Trust me, I've been there...many, many, many times.

So, go enjoy a doughnut...celebrate this strange holiday!
(and don't play with guns or deprivation, they are both killers in their own ways!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Good lesson:) And now, it's time for a doughnut...


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