February 11, 2009

Soothing the Savage Beast

I've been having a hard time figuring out how to write this posting because it is of great importance to me.  Music helps me in so many ways but I'm not going to write a self-help on how music saved or changed my life, maybe it has maybe it hasn't, I'm just going to break it down into it's simplest meanings (for me). 

It helps me run. It keeps me moving. It keeps me company (on those long runs). It makes it so I can't hear myself breathe hard (which is helpful). It's mine. The music I like is the best music in the world, according to me. Therefore, music is personal. But today music is simply a tool for working out.

I want anyone reading this to share with me 3 songs that you love to listen to when you work out. Personally, I like songs that have a medium to high beat per minute. I try to mimic the beats to my steps. Here are my 3 recent songs I want to share that are on my playlist at this very moment:

Noah & the Whale - "5 Years Time" - it tricks me into thinking it's warm out [good for those long straight-aways]
Tokyo Police Club - "Be Good" - dunno, just like the beat [good during the 1st mile]
The Von Bondies - "C'mon C'mon" - an older song that I used to listen to when I "used" to jog [good for those damn hills]

***One last note, I am not a "lyrics" guy...I mean, sometimes I hear them but usually I just pay attention to the music and not what they are actually singing about (this has caused some interesting situations btw)***

Now share with me 3 of the songs on your playlist! 


  1. 1. The Ting Tings - "Great DJ"
    ::a great song with attitude and beat

    2. Scissor Sisters - "I Don't Feel Like Dancing"
    ::this song usually makes me want to burst out in song and dance - which is a good workout always

    3. basically all the songs on the Foo Fighters "Echos, Silence, Patience, and Grace" album
    ::my personal favorite Foo Fighters album thus far that rocks hard and makes me want to work out... well - hard :)

  2. Sweet...thanks for the new songs! I added them to the playlist:) I didn't know which song for the Foo Fighters so I put the single on there...I can see how that song works for you. There was a song off of one of their album "the Colour and the Shape" called "New Way Home" that I used to love running to:)


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