February 10, 2009

Sweatin' to the Yogi's

Sometimes I write things off without trying them. Sometimes it's intuition and sometimes it's someone's advice that leads me to not try something; then there's yoga. It wasn't because of something that someone said nor was it because of this supposed intuition, it just never happened. It was more of an after-thought. I guess I was just indifferent to the whole thing. I never even gave it a second thought. People asked if I'd ever tried it or would like to try it and it was more just a shrug and a "nah, maybe some other time". Maybe I was put off by the names of the moves? Downward Dog?

One day, about 2 months ago, I was sitting at home and it was starting to snow which made my afternoon jog unlikely. I sat on the couch, moping about wondering what to do. I saw Sally's Yoga DVD staring at me and I thought "no one's home, I guess I'll see what this is all about, it can't be too hard?" I got my ass kicked that snowy afternoon by a very calm, blonde lady on our JC Penney TV. I was hooked.

Sally got me my very own DVD by this guy (Eoin Finn) that's a surfer (imagine that) and now I was doing it at least once, sometimes twice a week. I'm a believer now. I don't have too much to say as far as yoga goes because I'm still learning it and trying to understand it but what I can say is that makes you feel amazing. It feels like your body is functioning as it was intended. The blood flows unobstructed delivering all the necessities through your body. My posture is straighter, I want to eat better and I swear it makes you feel like a better person. It's not an easy thing to explain without sounding like a freakjob hippie but the word "centered" has never made more sense than it does after you do yoga. Plus you sweat, a lot, and that makes it feel worth-while!

There so many dvd's out there that it's hard to know where to start. I like the one I use…here it is at Amazon and pictured to the left.


  1. Hmm...I've always been tempted to take this up.

  2. I'd definitely recommend it, especially on an off day for running...it relieves all that tension:) Let me know what you think if you try it out! Oh by the way, the DVD I do above is only a 40 minute routine, which I love and the first time I tried it I did an hour long routine. I got bored to be honest...40 minutes is long enough:)!


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