January 27, 2009

Amendments - 1st Edition

I've had a few comments about how my posts are worded so I thought I'd clear a few things up.

Last post I talked about a bunch of things I do during otherwise boring moments: well, let it be known that although all of these have been done by me at some point, I never do them all on the same day every day. I'm motivated, but I'm not crazy!

For the record...when I'm lazy, I sometimes do nothing too...my body also needs to rest!

My new low weight was hit yesterday...217. However, in all fairness to myself and my readers...I only "count" what I weigh in the morning (precisely 5:50am) not what I weigh after a 5 mile jog. (but it is pretty sweet to hop on the scale to see a low number;)

Finally, let it be known that Sally (my wonderful wife) is only helping me attain my goals. She is mentioned many times in my blog but only because she is such a great support system for me. I will be expanding on the importance of support systems and how they have affected me very soon! As well as explain why I started this and why I'm even more motivated now than ever!
Thanks for reading and following!


  1. Hi Jeff!
    This is such an inspirational blog. I lost about 50lbs in 2002-2003 from jogging daily and diet (virtually non-fat and low carb). Jogging seems to be the best way to really burn off the weight. Once I lost the majority of my weight, I bought an elliptical for the house...so I don't have anymore excuses:).

    You have made such great progress! I am here anytime if you want to talk about strategy or just vent. I have to say losing that weight was one of the most challenging things of my life:)! It's something I still struggle with, I think we all struggle with:)!


  2. What!? I didn't know you lost 50 lbs!! I don't remember you ever being bigger?! Hmmm...well congrats:)

    see ya soon!


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