January 12, 2009

Seeing 210

Like every blog that I've ever started, the desire to write until I have perfected an intro that will inspire other's to read on weighs heavily and seems so important. That's a lot of pressure so I'm going to jump right into the basis of this new blog.

I'm naming it "Seeing 210" because of a phrase that my inspirational Father-in-Law coined on one of our many emails back and forth about my newest endevour.

Around this time last year, January 2008, I weighed an astonishing 280...I've never been so much. I have always gotten away with being a "big guy" but 280, really! We had booked tickets to Hawaii in April and there was no way I was going to be the beached whale I had envisioned so Sally and I took to walking. The biggest step we took was making a goal, a goal of 50 walks before we left. I'm sure I'll be posting much about goals and goal-making as that alone has been a huge part in my quest to see 210.

This blog will explain my journey through thick and soon to be thin. If no one else reads this except my family then at least they can attest to the difference losing 60 pounds in one year can make on a person.

I look forward to any input, any ideas, new studies, different workouts and inspirations as I shed these last few pounds and see 210 for the first time since my Freshman year in High School! Who knows, I might see 210 then keep on going...it's hard to say, but having support along the way always helps!!!

Thanks for tuning in!

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